Category Archives: Updates and Information

Updates on information about work on site and exhibition activities.


From the Statement…  “This work involves both serious reflection and play on the ways the urban environment is viewed and the decisions made to protect it or restore it. And it poses the question about the process assumed to create livable and well designed spaces.”

My photographs look at sites in the cycle of change while the small marker created by David and Clint became a “surveyor’s rod” to measure actual change witnessed from earlier restoration or rebuilding of sites that have become iconic symbols in Seattle.  My travels are catalogued in the poster already on this blog.

I will post a photograph of the large marker once it is installed. However, to give you a sense of what it looks like… “it was inspired by  the markings of plot maps and surveyor’s tools as well as “Dazzle Ships” of World War One.” These were military and commercial vessels painted in an almost cubist pattern using colors to confuse enemy subs trying to calculate the proper trajectory of torpedoes.  But this is not your ‘hard metal’ approach to building sculpture.  The materials include wood, fake fur, nails, ceramics and filmstrips.  This marker is over 10 feet tall of imagination.

The show opening is October 25th, 5-7pm.  The Threshhold Gallery at Mithun Architecture Collaborative runs on two floors as you enter the building.  If you stop by… please let us know!


Marking Place

Gans_Poster_Mithun final.jpg